Pulled out a suitcase and was surprised by last year's summer things. Which felt kind of like time travel. There were a lot of weird scarves and airy dresses. Add in stone fruit, bike rides, and ice cream, and you've defined my favorite seasonal pieces. As I was trying to figure out what to toss, keep, and tie in my hair, I realized I'm not the same person as this time last year. And chances are neither are you. Which is a strange and wonderful feeling. We change from great experiences and awful stretches.
I mean, don't we gracefully notice when someone's been through the grinder? It removes a great deal of their shallowness. And you can tell they are listening to you when you speak. It reminds me that we are protected in spite of our personal fires, so we can remain what we are created to be. The suitcase is now empty and there is much to give away. Estrangement from the exact people we were at summer's start last year has never been more liberating.